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Make a monetary donation.

We are 100% volunteer driven. That’s right! Not a single paid staff member. That means that even a small gift goes straight toward what matters. Buying shovels. Printing educational packets for local grade schools. Our rent and electricity. With an annual operating budget of just over $12,000 — your dollar literally makes us cheer at our board meetings.

Donate Now

Donations made securely via Stripe.



Email us if you’d like to volunteer! We’ll add you to our email list for future events. Feel free to tell us if there’s something in particular you’d like to work on, or any skills you think would be beneficial. It takes as village to conserve a basin! We LOVE and NEED your help!

No experience required! We can teach you anything you might want or need to know.


Donate land.

Lands can be donated in two ways:

  1. We can purchase the land from you (if funding allows).

  2. We can create a conservation easement. This places permanent restrictions on part or all of a parcel, in return for tax reductions.

Learn more about how land trusts conserve land at the Land Trust Alliance website.

Email or call us! We would love to talk about your options.

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We have over 4,000 acres that are walked each year! ‘Adopt’ a parcel near you. Duties are simple! Walk the parcel at least once per year, and fill out a simple observational form letting us know what you see. We’ll take care of the rest.